Firstly, Welcome to The Czech Republic and this Medieval break you are walking into. Everything is so authentic you'd believe you were there. Enjoy Dětenice Château Resort to the fullest, you won’t regret it. The unique interiors of the hotel will take your breath away and a night spent here will no doubt become an unforgettable experience long after leaving. Should you feel a bit freaked out, that is because the place is haunted day and night! Mysterious energy surrounds you and takes you back to ancient times that you only may know from costume dramas and historical novels on TV.. Come and join us for an epic journey to the Middle Ages!
A bellboy guides you up the wooden staircase to the first floor- lit and scented with wood and burning candles, taking you back to the dark ages from the outset. Press the iron wrought handle and enter a room scented with lavender and dried herbs with a bevelled wooden ceiling. In what may look like a dry latrine is actually a shower enclosure, with a hot water can in place of a shower. The stone trough to wash your hands may surprise you, but you will be pleasantly satisfied with its sweet smell. No doubt, the past is present in every tiny detail here. Although you may feel like you're in the dark ages, everything works to the high standards of today but its difficult to se it due to the extreme care and attention they have taken to make all feel real. The bedrooms are tastefully done with no expense spared on furnishings. The real smell of wood, the musky scent of days gone by are all around which does set the scene for the rest of your stay.
Global Vacation Club - direktører
Det er en stor ære at servicere så mange familier og tage sig af deres ferier. Det var det, vi satte os for, da klubben blev lanceret på det åbne marked. Siden da har vi oplevet en enorm vækst og fortsætter med at trives. Feriebranchen har ændret sig dramatisk i løbet af de sidste 30 år, og vores drøm var at tage tingene i en ny retning. Det har vi gjort, hvilket har bragt mere kontrol over ferieejerskabet frem til kunden. En ting, vi følte, var virkelig tiltrængt. Færre restriktioner og endnu vigtigere større besparelser og valgmuligheder.
GVCs bestyrelse har et væld af erfaring inden for gæstfriheds- og ferieejersektoren, der spænder over tilsammen over 80 år. GVC er med vilje designet til at tage højde for det 21. århundredes kræsne rejsende, som beordrer kvalitetsindkvartering samt en bred vifte af destinationer og kulturelle oplevelser at værne om.
GVC er stolte af at være et af verdens mest forskelligartede og unikke feriekoncepter, hvor medlemmer og deres kære kan nyde utallige unikke klubfunktioner, såsom vores "2 Vacations 1 Voyage" plus en endeløs række af vidtrækkende juveler at opdage.
Velkommen til vores verden, hvor rejsen aldrig ender.
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