2 nights with breakfast (Manor House) and 3 rounds of golf (1 round of The Montgomerie, 1 round Twenty Ten Course & 1 round Roman Road Course) For 4 people,
One of the UK’s best-known golf resorts, Celtic Manor oozes class and is home to three exceptional golf courses. The hosting venue of the 2010 Ryder Cup, Celtic Manor has cemented its position as one of the UK’s top golfing establishments and has a long list of fantastic facilities guests can indulge in.
Golf Courses
Home of the 2010 Ryder Cup, Celtic Manor Golf Club offers outstanding golfing facilities including three stunning championship golf courses – The Twenty Ten, Montgomerie, and Roman Road - and two luxurious clubhouses.
In addition to the incredible golf courses, there is also a state-of-the-art Toptracer Range. Here, guests can hone in on their game with swing stats, ball speed, and much more - the ultimate practice tool and a great addition to the resort! There is three well equipped pro shops where you can stock up on premium brands before hitting the track.
The five-star Resort Hotel at the Celtic Manor boasts 330 newly refurbished bedrooms that provide a sense of tradition and luxury. All the rooms are perfectly set in the beautifully designed landscape gardens and come with all the necessary amenities for the perfect stay. With stunning views over The Twenty Ten Course, the Hunter Lodges are a great addition to The Celtic Manor Resort. Each lodge can accommodate eight golfers and comes equipped with luxury en-suite bedrooms, a hot tub, and plenty of space!
Only 5 minutes drive from the Celtic Manor Resort, Coldra Court Hotel by Celtic Manor is a great destination for golfers, with its spacious newly refurbished bedrooms, Springs Health Club, and stunning new restaurant, The Rib Smokehouse, and Grill, with world-class golf courses only minutes away at Celtic Manor.
Restaurant & Bars
With seven restaurants and an array of bars, guests are spoilt for choice when staying at the magnificent Celtic Manor. Within the Resort Hotel, there is The Olive Tree with its spectacular buffet, as well as the award-winning Signature Sixth Floor Restaurant, Steak on Six. Additionally, at the Manor House, you’ll also find PAD, serving delicious Asian-inspired cuisine. In the Manor House guests also have the option of the Cellar Bar, an atmospheric sports bar with wide-screen televisions and a delicious bar menu.
For a change of scenery choose from The Grill overlooking the Roman Road Course, or award-winning Rafters at The Twenty Ten Clubhouse. A few miles upstream in a picturesque spot on the river is the 2 AA Rosette Newbridge on Usk, where diners can enjoy the delicious locally-inspired country fare.
Spa & Leisure
There is a wide range of activities for guests to choose from if the excellent golfing facilities weren’t already enough. With two spas onsite, Celtic Manor provides a heavenly sanctuary from the stresses and strains of everyday life, with The Forum Health Club offering a 20 metre swimming pool, jacuzzi, state of the art gym and spa café.
The Forum Spa and Ocius Treatment Rooms have 20 treatment rooms between them, offering a wide range of treatments from Elemis and Jessica Nails. Alternatively, you can work up a sweat in the health club gym, before a soothing treatment, or unwind in the poolside loungers and gaze up to the starlit ceiling. Choose to spa with Celtic Manor and you'll discover a brilliant spa venue that is affordable and accessible to all.
The Celtic Manor Resort is idyllically situated in the Usk Valley, near Newport, Wales (two minutes from Junction 24 of the M4). Accessing this venue is exceptionally easy with Newport Train Station located just three miles away.
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Það er mikill heiður að fá að þjónusta svona margar fjölskyldur og sjá um fríin þeirra. Það var það sem við ætluðum okkur að gera þegar klúbburinn var settur á frjálsan markað. Síðan þá höfum við séð gríðarlegan vöxt og höldum áfram að dafna. Orlofsiðnaðurinn hefur breyst verulega á síðustu 30 árum og draumur okkar var að taka hlutina í nýjan farveg. Við höfum gert það, sem hefur fært viðskiptavininum meiri stjórn á orlofseign. Hlutur sem okkur fannst sannarlega þörf. Minni hömlur og mikilvægara er meiri sparnaður og val.
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