7 nights with breakfast at La Cala Resort & Spa and 5 rounds of golf (La Cala Asia, La Cala America or La Cala Europa) For 4 people
La Cala Golf Resort is an outstanding 4-star venue located in Mijas, Costa del Sol, Spain. With 107 bedrooms and multiple recreational activities on offer, La Cala is one of the country’s leading resorts and offers a quality experience for people seeking golf in Spain.
Golf Courses
La Cala Golf Club is renowned for being one of the finest golf resorts in Spain, complete with three championship golf courses – America, Asia, and Europa, and the accomplished La Cala Golf Academy. Each course is a perfect illustration of exceptional golf in Costa del Sol and is set in an idyllic backdrop for an exciting yet challenging game of golf.
La Cala Golf Resort boasts stunning bedrooms, all with views to match its 4-star rating. The hotel offers a variety of different room types - from Standard Twin Rooms with terraces to Junior Suites, there is something to suit every need and every occasion. Each room is equipped with stunning terrace views, flooded natural sunlight, air conditioning, Wi-Fi, a minibar, satellite TV, and luxurious underfloor heated bathrooms.
Restaurant & Bars
The La Cala Golf Hotel has a wide selection of à la carte restaurants, including the luxurious La Terraza offering European Cuisine with a large variety of traditional Spanish dishes. On warmer nights you can dine beside the pool and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. In La Bodega, guests can enjoy a perfect balance of textures and flavours for a delicious tapas tasting experience in a cooling atmosphere.
As well as the restaurants, the hotel also has its own Lobby Bar - perfect for evening drinks or as a place to relax after a round of golf. With its beautiful views of Campo Asia, The Clubhouse Bar is open from breakfast right through until the evening and presents the perfect opportunity to sit down and enjoy a drink, following any morning or afternoon activities.
Spa & Leisure
The resort boasts great leisure facilities, not to mention the outstanding amenities that the Spa has to offer. If you are searching for the ultimate wellness retreat, the La Cala Spa presents a peaceful environment and combines its serene surroundings with a fantastic range of treatment choices. The spa includes an exercise pool, indoor and outdoor hydrotherapy pools, tropical rain showers, a Turkish Hamman, Kneipp footbaths, and a healing Garden Crystal Sauna.
Surrounded by the Sierra de Mijas National Park and the Mediterranean Ocean, La Cala Golf Resort is situated in the tranquil area of Mijas, Costa del Sol. With only a 35-minute journey from Malaga Airport and a 20-minute drive from Marbella, La Cala Resort is both a suitable and relaxing destination to stay at?
On-Site Activities
At La Cala Resort they also have an extreme passion for sport - including facilities such as floodlit tennis courts, squash courts, a fitness centre, a full-sized FIFA-approved football pitch, a large outdoor swimming pool, and various running circuits so that guests can maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Every Wednesday and Saturday there is a local market at the La Cala de Mijas fairground. which is a great opportunity to see the local area and embrace the Spanish lifestyle.
In addition to the outside attractions of Mijas, there are also plenty of activities to explore within the resort. Activities such as horse riding, walking, water sports, bike rental and tours, and scuba diving are all available at La Cala Resort.
Global Vacation Club - Stjórnendur
Það er mikill heiður að fá að þjónusta svona margar fjölskyldur og sjá um fríin þeirra. Það var það sem við ætluðum okkur að gera þegar klúbburinn var settur á frjálsan markað. Síðan þá höfum við séð gríðarlegan vöxt og höldum áfram að dafna. Orlofsiðnaðurinn hefur breyst verulega á síðustu 30 árum og draumur okkar var að taka hlutina í nýjan farveg. Við höfum gert það, sem hefur fært viðskiptavininum meiri stjórn á orlofseign. Hlutur sem okkur fannst sannarlega þörf. Minni hömlur og mikilvægara er meiri sparnaður og val.
Stjórn GVCs hefur mikla reynslu í gestrisni og orlofseignargeiranum sem spannar samtals yfir 80 ár. GVC hefur vísvitandi verið hannað til að koma til móts við 21. aldar hygginn ferðamann, sem býður upp á gæða gistingu sem og fjölbreytt úrval áfangastaða og menningarupplifunar til að þykja vænt um.
GVC er stolt af því að vera eitt af fjölbreyttustu og einstöku fríhugmyndum heims þar sem meðlimir og ástvinir þeirra geta notið ótal einstakra klúbbaeiginleika, eins og „2 Vacations 1 Voyage“ okkar ásamt endalausu úrvali af víðtækum skartgripum til að uppgötva.
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