2 nights with breakfast st and 4 rounds of golf (2 rounds of PGA National, 1 round of Derby & 1 round of Brabazon Course) For 4 people.
The Belfry is a fantastic four-star venue set in 550 acres of beautiful Warwickshire countryside. In addition to its world-famous golfing facilities, The Belfry boasts a wide range of rooms and restaurants that will ensure your golfing break is of the highest quality.
Golf Courses
Renowned for having held the prestigious Ryder Cup four times, The Belfry’s superb golf courses need no introduction. The Brabazon Course and the PGA National Course provide guests at The Belfry with the chance to follow in the footsteps of their golfing heroes, whilst the Derby Golf Course makes for a pleasant alternative to the two flagship layouts.
The world-renowned Belfry boasts 319 well-decorated and elegant rooms, which range from the new signature rooms to the Manor House suites, many of which have stunning views of its golf courses and the surrounding countryside. All rooms have bespoke furnishing and décor making them the perfect place to relax after your round.
Restaurants & Bars
A range of dining experiences await guests at this luxury four-star facility. Enjoy a post-round pint or light bite in Sam's Club House, which shows the latest sporting action. Alternatively, the Ryder Grill provides a relaxed setting for an evening meal, with its centerpiece kitchen and views of the golf course.
In addition to the above, guests can unwind in the Brabazon Bar with a cocktail or grab a snack in the Leisure Café, which offers a healthy alternative for those hitting the gym and spa.
Spa & Leisure
The Belfry Club offers guests all the facilities you would expect from this prestigious golf resort, including a swimming pool, sauna, steam room, and solarium. The unique ‘Fire and Ice’ treatment allows you to indulge in 90 minutes of pure relaxation with a journey through a series of zoned areas. Experience hot and cold sensations with cleansing steam, piercing ice showers, aromatherapy mood lighting, and the multi-featured hydrotherapy pool. The spa also offers a full range of luxurious treatments including one specifically designed for golfers to help ease any aching muscles after a day on the golf course. In addition, there are a fully fitted gym, fitness studio, squash, and tennis courts.
The Belfry is located in North Warwickshire, just 10 minutes North of Birmingham Airport and 15 minutes from Birmingham International Station. Birmingham is a fantastic city to visit while staying at the Belfry. There are plenty of museums, and galleries, and the nightlife is second-to-none.
Global Vacation Club - Stjórnendur
Það er mikill heiður að fá að þjónusta svona margar fjölskyldur og sjá um fríin þeirra. Það var það sem við ætluðum okkur að gera þegar klúbburinn var settur á frjálsan markað. Síðan þá höfum við séð gríðarlegan vöxt og höldum áfram að dafna. Orlofsiðnaðurinn hefur breyst verulega á síðustu 30 árum og draumur okkar var að taka hlutina í nýjan farveg. Við höfum gert það, sem hefur fært viðskiptavininum meiri stjórn á orlofseign. Hlutur sem okkur fannst sannarlega þörf. Minni hömlur og mikilvægara er meiri sparnaður og val.
Stjórn GVCs hefur mikla reynslu í gestrisni og orlofseignargeiranum sem spannar samtals yfir 80 ár. GVC hefur vísvitandi verið hannað til að koma til móts við 21. aldar hygginn ferðamann, sem býður upp á gæða gistingu sem og fjölbreytt úrval áfangastaða og menningarupplifunar til að þykja vænt um.
GVC er stolt af því að vera eitt af fjölbreyttustu og einstöku fríhugmyndum heims þar sem meðlimir og ástvinir þeirra geta notið ótal einstakra klúbbaeiginleika, eins og „2 Vacations 1 Voyage“ okkar ásamt endalausu úrvali af víðtækum skartgripum til að uppgötva.
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