Global Vacation Club - Diretturi
Huwa ta’ unur kbir li qed nagħtu servizz lil tant familji u nieħdu ħsieb il-vaganzi tagħhom. Hekk bdejna nagħmlu meta l-klabb ġie mniedi fis-suq miftuħ. Minn dakinhar rajna tkabbir tremend u nkomplu niffjorixxu. L-industrija tal-vaganzi nbidlet b'mod drammatiku matul l-aħħar 30 sena u l-ħolma tagħna kienet li nieħdu l-affarijiet f'direzzjoni ġdida. Għamilna dan, li ressqet aktar kontroll fuq is-sjieda tal-vaganzi lill-klijent. Ħaġa li ħassejna li kienet verament meħtieġa. Inqas restrizzjonijiet u aktar importanti aktar iffrankar u għażla akbar.
Il-Bord tad-Diretturi tal-GVCs għandu esperjenza kbira fis-settur tal-ospitalità u s-sjieda tal-vaganzi li jkopru total flimkien ta’ aktar minn 80 sena. Il-GVC ġie ddisinjat apposta biex jilqa’ għall-vjaġġatur għaqlin tas-seklu 21, li jikkmanda akkomodazzjoni ta’ kwalità kif ukoll varjetà wiesgħa ta’ destinazzjonijiet u esperjenzi kulturali li għandhom jgħożżu.
Il-GVC huwa kburi li huwa wieħed mill-aktar kunċetti ta’ vaganzi differenti u uniċi fid-dinja fejn il-membri u l-maħbubin tagħhom jistgħu jgawdu minn għadd ta’ karatteristiċi uniċi tal-klabb, bħal “2 Vacations 1 Voyage” tagħna flimkien ma’ firxa bla tarf ta’ ġawhar wiesgħa x’jiskopru.
Merħba fid-dinja tagħna, fejn il-Vjaġġ ma jispiċċa qatt.
Mid-Diretturi u t-Tim tal-Global Vacation Club
Dak li Jgħidu l-membri tagħna
GVC huwa l-klabb tiegħek u kummenti apprezzati, tajbin jew ħżiena jgħinuna ntejbu l-benefiċċji li tirċievi l-familja tiegħek kull sena. Żommhom ġejjin
Testimonjanzi tal-Membri tal-Global Vacation Club
Ix-xhieda tal-Membri tal-Global Vacation Club huma milqugħa u nippruvaw inkunu trasparenti kemm jista’ jkun, madankollu għall-privatezza u l-protezzjoni tal-membri neħħejna kwalunkwe dettalji ta’ kuntatt jew links tal-midja soċjali bl-eċċezzjoni ta’ dawk li aċċettaw kuntenti li jiġu kkuntattjati privatament u jaqsmu. ħsibijiethom ma’ kull min jixtieq reviżjoni indipendenti.
Għażilna ftit reazzjonijiet tal-membri hawn taħt jekk tixtieq tara dawn il-kummenti jew aktar jekk jogħġbok mur fuqGVC Blog pageu tħossok liberu li żżid il-ħsibijiet u l-opinjonijiet tiegħek dwar il-klabb jew esperjenza.
Kbira nisimgħu mingħandek is-Sur u s-Sinjura Stirling
Hello l-istaff kollu li għenuni
Jisimni Michael Stirling Xtrajt punti s-sena l-oħra u nixtieq biss nikkumplimenta lill-istaff kollu tiegħek għat-trattamenti li kellna magħhom. Kien pass kbir li ħadna imma ħadna u ma jiddispjaċinax. S'issa konna biss Spanja u għamilna weekend bogħod ħdejn id-dar tagħna f'Inverness permezz tal-iskema ta' bonus tiegħek. Kull darba damet inqas minn siegħa biex kollox ibbukkjat u kkonfermat. Servizz super u staff imħarreġ tajjeb.
Inkunu kuntenti ħafna li nirrakkomandawk lil kull min jistaqsi dwarek.
Michael u Sacha Stirling
numru tal-membru GVC- 1284603 UK
---------- Messaġġ mibgħut --------- Minn: Data: Is-Sibt, 16 ta’ Ottubru, 2021 fil-11:42 AM Suġġett: Reviżjoni tal-Membru Lil: <gvcpoints@>
June 2022
We stayed over at Hotel Le General for 11 days, celebrating our daughter's 16th birthday, and it was a blast! The folks at the hotel were just top-notch, super friendly, and they really knew their stuff when it came to things to do, getting around, where to eat—you name it. And that breakfast they served up, included in the deal? Mighty fine! Fresh as can be, lots to choose from, and downright tasty. It sure got our days off to a good start.
Now, the room was a bit snug, but we figured it would be. Still, it worked out just fine for our family of three. Beds? Comfortable as can be, and we slept like babies. The location was spot-on, easy to hop on the metro and plenty of shopping nearby. Before heading out, we'd grab a drink in the lounge area and shoot the breeze with the staff. That was a nice touch, let me tell ya.
Now, I know there are a heap of hotels to pick from, but we'd tell anyone to give this place a shot. You won't be let down, that's for sure! Thanks a million for helpin' make our trip one for the books!"
James and Mia Johnson, Houston, Texas Top of Form
September 2022
The S Hotel Montego Bay in Jamaica is absolutely splendid, I must say! What I particularly adored was its cozy and intimate atmosphere. The staff was consistently charming and eager to assist. They even took care of some fish I brought along that needed to be stored in the freezer. The beach was nothing short of stunning, and the service provided by the beach attendant was truly exceptional. They set up chair covers, umbrellas, and even provided a comfy pillow in a designated area exclusively for hotel guests. With security always around, I felt completely at ease. The water, whether at the beach or the pool, was simply beautiful.
We had the pleasure of dining at two specialty restaurants, Roots Rock and Rocksteady, and both left us thoroughly impressed with their service and delicious cuisine. The jerk chicken from the grill was to die for, and that BBQ sauce – oh, it was a delight! The breakfast buffet was equally delightful, offering a plethora of tasty choices.
Our Jr. Suite Oceanview room was truly wonderful. The live bands that played in the evenings added a touch of relaxation and enjoyment to our stay. This resort leans more towards an adult crowd, offering a refined and sophisticated experience. Parking was abundant and secure. The boutique vibe of this smaller resort was simply perfect. I've been to larger resorts, but from now on, every time I find myself in Montego Bay, you can bet I'll be right here. It's clean, elegant, and does a fantastic job showcasing Jamaican culture.Top of Form
Jake Travis, Hertfordshire, UK
October 2022
I gotta say, I was pleasantly surprised by this place!
GVC really hit it out of the park with this recommendation. My family and I spent a weekend here, and let me tell you, we had a blast. The dining options were diverse and downright delicious. They didn't skimp on the quality of the booze either, top-notch stuff, and the cocktails were pretty darn good too. Room service was on point, with a ton of choices to pick from. And the rooms? Comfortable as heck and spick and span. I've never had AC and water pressure this good in any hotel, I swear!
We couldn't get enough of that coffee and ice cream shop, it was the best! And that fresh smoothie bar? That was a real treat. The Splash Waterpark? Oh man, my teens had a blast, and truth be told, so did I! Now, I'd suggest a little maintenance in the common areas, you know, the chipping paint and plaster stuff.
Huge shoutout to Juan over at the Punta Cana buffet, that guy knows service. Edgar in the food department and Willy, the bartender at the pool bar at Splash, you guys rock! And to Romeo, our butler at the Diamond Club? Totally worth the GVC points! We're definitely coming back!!"
Ava and Mathew Miller, New York
October 2022
Let me tell ya, this place recommended by GVC! It blew my expectations outta the water. My family and I, we kicked back at the Royalton in Punta Cana, Dom Republic for a whole week, and I gotta say, we had ourselves a real good time. The grub? They had all sorts of tasty options. And when it comes to the booze, it was top-shelf stuff, and the drinks? Well, they hit the spot.
Now, when it came to room service, they had plenty of choices to pick from, and the rooms? Comfortable as can be and spic and span. I'm talkin' the best AC and water pressure I've ever come across in any hotel, believe me.
We couldn't get enough of that coffee joint and ice cream shop, hands down the best. And that fresh smoothie bar? That was a sweet bonus. And don't get me started on the Splash Waterpark. My teenagers had a blast, and I gotta admit, I had a good time too!
Now, if I had to give a little tip, it'd be to spruce up the public areas a bit, you know, that chippin' paint and plaster deal.
But I gotta give a big shoutout to a few folks. Juqn over at the Punta Cana buffet? He knows what service is all about. Edgar in the food department and Willy, the bartender at the pool bar at Splash, they're top-notch. Every point we spent was worth it, and you better believe we're comin' back!"
Ethan and Nova Mitchell, Annapolis, Maryland, USA
Programm ta' Referenza għall-Membri tal-GVC
GVC laqgħu mijiet ta' familji fil-klabb minn membri eżistenti matul is-snin u nħobbu nippremjawk.. Li titlob membru tal-familja jew ħabib qrib biex jissieħeb ma' klabb huwa ġest meraviljuż u għandu jiġi ppremjat u ppremjat tajjeb. L-EBDA gimmicks biss CASH.
October 2022
I must say, I was pleasantly taken aback by the Bellagio. It's quite a massive establishment, but they've managed the layout in a way that makes it easy to navigate. Finding your way to the restaurants, pool, shops, and such is a breeze. The room had recently undergone renovation and was in excellent condition. I absolutely adored tuning in to the resort channel for the musical fountain shows.
Another highlight was the resort pool, which is splendidly designed and offers a multitude of options. However, it's worth noting that it can get rather crowded, so you'll want to snag your sun loungers as soon as it opens or consider the private Cypress Pool. Although it can be a tad pricey, the staff provides excellent service, complete with umbrellas and food and beverage assistance.
On the flip side, the hotel can get a bit noisy, as none of the doors seem to have a proper closing mechanism. We happened to be in a connecting room, and we could hear our neighbours' conversations, albeit muffled.
All in all, the property is truly impressive, and I would certainly consider returning unless GVC has a better recommendation.
Peter and Dorothy Williams, Birmingham, United Kingdom
November 2022
Gotta tell ya, the Hotel Ariele over in Florence, Italy, they got some of the friendliest folks workin' there. The whole place, from the hotel itself to the rooms, was spick and span. And they've got this lovely garden where you can enjoy your breakfast or grab a drink from the hotel bar. Let me tell you, it was hands down the best breakfast we've ever had in any hotel, no matter what country we've been to.
Plus, it's a stone's throw away from the heart of Florence and the train station if you fancy a quick trip to Pisa. Big thanks to the GVC Team, they sure made a great call with this one
Tyler and Madison Baker, Wyoming, Ohio, USA
November 2022
We sure did enjoy our time over at the Hotel Palladium Palace in Rome. Them folks at the front desk were just downright amazing. They were so friendly, helpful, and welcoming. The rooms were real nice and tidy, and that shower was something else, I tell ya. It was as peaceful as a North Dakota sunset.
We had ourselves a fine evening watchin' the sunset up on that rooftop bar, and there were plenty of good eatin' places nearby. The location was mighty convenient too, 'bout a mile's walk to the Colosseum in one direction and the Trevi Fountain in the other.
GVC, Ya done a heck of a job with our vacation
Benjamin and Laura Larson
Fargo, North Dekota, USA
November 2022
The Bougainvillea in Barbados, what an absolutely delightful spot. We received a warm welcome, found ourselves in clean and modern rooms, right on the beach, with a fantastic staff, some seriously great rum punch, and even complimentary water sports to boot. What more could one ask for, right? It's a rather splendid, relatively small resort, with a couple of pools and a swim-up bar to add to the charm. There are plenty of sunbeds both by the pool and on the beach, and the helpful team is always ready to fetch you a parasol or a table.
The beach itself is lovely and just a stone's throw from the hotel... and the bar, of course. They even offer kayaks, paddleboards, and boogie boards for free, and don't forget the complimentary beach towels. Now, if you happen to be an aviation enthusiast, the beach faces the approach to BGI airport, so that should tickle your fancy (though it's not bothersome even if you're not, as the planes are fairly high up).
On-site, you'll find a restaurant called Calabash, serving up breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The food is of good quality, albeit a tad on the pricey side. Right next door is DEIA beach restaurant, also offering good quality but not particularly budget-friendly fare. The bar is well-manned, with a delightful bunch of bartenders, and they host happy hour at 3:30 each day. They've got quite the selection, from bottled beer to cocktails and even frozen drinks and milkshakes.
As for our accommodation, we had a family room on the 3rd floor with a lovely view, a spacious double bed, and a sofa bed. The room itself was roomy, with a delightful bathroom stocked with shower gel and shampoo on tap. The room was tidied up daily, and we also had the convenience of a small yet incredibly handy mini kitchen right there in the room. It was pleasantly quiet too.
In terms of location, it's situated between St. Lawrence Gap (about a 10-minute walk) and Oistins (about 15 minutes on foot), and there are plenty of taxis around if you're not in the mood for a stroll. The airport is about a 20-minute ride away.
All in all, it's a lovely resort with an equally lovely staff, well-placed, and offering reasonable room rates. I believe they also offer all-inclusive options, although we didn't partake. If given the chance, we'd certainly use our GVC Points to stay here again."
David and Sarah Harper, Brighton, United KingdomTop of Form
December 2022
Our family of four took a trip down to Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta in search of some December sunshine. The weather smiled upon us all week, with daytime temperatures hovering around the low 80s and comfortably mild nights around 70. We hunkered down in the Grand Mayan, which gave us handy access to the Grand Mayan pool and the gym.
In an attempt to keep those holiday pounds at bay, my daughter and I made regular stops at the gym. Let me tell ya, that gym is stocked with all sorts of equipment, from free weights to a bunch of cardio choices. Sure, the weightlifting area can get a mite crowded at times, but we managed just fine. The staff there? Friendly as can be, and they kept the place spick and span.
Even though we were closer to the Grand Mayan pool, we found ourselves drawn to the Beachland main pool day after day. Can't blame us, really. It's right by the beach, with views that'll knock your socks off, delicious grub, drinks that hit the spot, and some top-notch service. Speaking of service, I gotta give a big shoutout to Humberto. He made sure our family had a downright superb time. He greeted us daily, made sure we were well taken care of, and gave us some mighty helpful tips about the resort, Nuevo Vallarta, and the surrounding areas. Can't praise his hospitality enough, and the whole Beachland crew was cut from the same friendly cloth.
Our family's already itching to head back there soon! Those GVC points were worth every bit!
Scott and Carol Parker Family, Montpelier, Vermont, USA
December 2022
Amazing stay at the Blue Lagoon Hotel in St. Vincent and the Grenadines! The accommodation was superb, and all of the staff were friendly and welcoming. The views were wonderful, and the restaurant was a great spot to eat and watch the sunset! Jamal was especially helpful with suggestions on places to go and things to see! He definitely helped make the most of our trip. Will certainly be back again anytime I’m on the island. Thankyou GVC!
Steven Massey, Rochdale, United Kingdom
December 2022
Whoa, what a stunning hotel, an amazing staff, and, at long last, an absolutely gorgeous setting! GVC, your recommendation was spot on!
We had the pleasure of staying at this hotel for a delightful 12 nights, and honestly, we didn't want to say goodbye. The staff, they're the heart and soul of this beautiful hotel. Always wearing smiles, incredibly polite, and bent over backward to make sure we were happy. A special shoutout to Miranda and the front-of-house team, as well as the bar crew, Sonia, Jose, Gregory, and Vivian. Of course, let's not forget all the other wonderful staff members.
The rooms were spick and span, beautifully arranged, and the beds? Oh, they were like sleeping on clouds. We were blessed with breathtaking views from not one but two separate balconies. The food was good, but, well, a tad on the pricey side. No worries, though, plenty of local restaurants within walking distance for dining out.
Now, let's talk about those pools. Sparkling clean, nestled among the rocks with waterfalls, a swim-up bar, and lit up like a dream at night. And the beach? Absolute perfection.
You can bet your bottom dollar we'll be back next year, no questions asked. I've been on this Earth for 54 years, and I've seen my fair share of Barbados, but without a doubt, I'd wholeheartedly recommend Bougainvillea, Barbados."
Joseph and Harper Davis, San Francisco, California
January 2023
This apartment is ideal for groups of four, offering three bedrooms and one bathroom. The large bedroom features two twin beds, while the two smaller bedrooms each have a single twin bed. A fully-equipped kitchen with a washing machine adds to its convenience. However, its most remarkable feature is the presence of five enormous, floor-to-ceiling French doors/windows, each adorned with a petite balcony that overlooks the bustling street below. These elements flood the apartment with natural light and invigorating fresh air.
The neighbourhood is bustling and popular, brimming with tapas bars, restaurants, gelato shops, mini-markets, and more. Additionally, an open marketplace on the same street, Argenteria, or nearby, offers fresh produce, fish, cheese, meat, and other delights. The apartment complex conveniently houses an office just down the hall, making it a handy resource should you require assistance.
Our stay in this apartment was nothing short of fabulous, and we wholeheartedly recommend it. We would undoubtedly choose to stay here again. In terms of optimizing our GVC Points, we've discovered that booking apartments allows us to enjoy more vacations compared to using our points for hotels, and we particularly appreciate the added privacy. From now on, it's apartments all the way.
Stephanie and Johnny Peterson, Croydon, UK