Global Vacation Club - Direktörer
Det är en stor ära att få betjäna så många familjer och ta hand om deras semester. Det var vad vi ville göra när klubben lanserades på den öppna marknaden. Sedan dess har vi sett en enorm tillväxt och fortsätter att frodas. Semesterbranschen har förändrats dramatiskt under de senaste 30 åren och vår dröm var att ta saker i en ny riktning. Vi har gjort det, vilket har fört fram mer kontroll över semesterägandet till kunden. En sak som vi kände verkligen behövdes. Mindre restriktioner och ännu viktigare större besparingar och valmöjligheter.
GVC:s styrelse har en mängd erfarenhet av hotell- och semesterägandesektorn som spänner sammanlagt över 80 år. GVC har avsiktligt utformats för att tillgodose 2000-talets kräsna resenärer, som beordrar kvalitetsboende såväl som ett brett utbud av destinationer och kulturella upplevelser att vårda.
GVC är stolta över att vara ett av världens mest mångsidiga och unika semesterkoncept där medlemmar och deras nära och kära kan njuta av otaliga unika klubbfunktioner, såsom vår "2 semester 1 resa" plus en oändlig mängd långtgående juveler att upptäcka.
Välkommen till vår värld, där resan aldrig tar slut.
Från direktörerna och teamet på Global Vacation Club

perience membership
medGVC Gateway


Global Vacation Club Experience Membership
Välkommen som GVC Gateway-medlem och tack för att du ger oss möjligheten att visa upp klubben för dig och dina nära och kära. Vi hoppas att du drar nytta av klubbens fördelar maximalt. Den här sidan kommer tydligt att beskriva var du ska gå härnäst för att börja dra nytta av GVC:s produkter och tjänster.
GVC Gateway Egendomsdestinationer
Klicka på valfri destination för att se egenskaper.

Ytterligare destinationer finns i: Nordamerika, Sydamerika, Storbritannien, Asien, Skandinavien,
Östra och andra delar av Europa. Kontakta GVC för mer information.

Havs- och flodkryssningar

Quality Hotels

Historiska slott

Lyxvillor och lägenheter
Upplev medlemskap med Global Vacation Club
Global Vacation Club är ett av de snabbast växande koncepten på dagens marknad, främst på grund av produktutbudet som gjorts tillgängligt för våra medlemmar, inklusive det Gateway-provmedlemskap som du har valt.
Klubben har ett imponerande utbud av unika funktioner utformade för att säkerställa att du som medlem har en speciell semesterupplevelse varje gång du åker bort. Utöver det erbjuder vi också både lyxiga produkter av högsta klass tillsammans med många lägre budgetalternativ, vilket tillgodoser semesterkraven från varje familj vi betjänar.
GVC Gateway Trial Membership var speciellt utformat för att ge familjer en detaljerad översikt över Global Vacation Club, hur den fungerar, våra avgifter och skydd medan du njuter av en GVC-semester och för att bevittna servicen, besparingarna och förmånerna. Vi känner att det låter dig se till att klubben är rätt för dig och din familj/vänner.
Gateway-medlemskap erbjuder 2 alternativ alternativ 1 ger dig rätt till 3 veckors semester och alternativ 2 berättigar dig till 6 veckor på ett antal utvalda destinationer för att rymma 4 personer under en period av 3 år vilket gör att medlemmen kan dra nytta av alla aspekter av klubben.
Registrera ditt medlemskap
Ditt konto har redan konfigurerats av GVC inklusive alla detaljer om medlemskap registrerade och aktiverade. Allt du behöver göra nu är att registrera en e-postadress och ett lösenord för ditt konto.
Registreringen tar mindre än 5 minuter och görs för att hålla ditt konto så säkert som möjligt.
Som medlem kommer du att ha fått ett GVC-certifikat om äganderätt som beskriver detaljerna för ditt medlemskap. Se detta dokument om du stöter på några problem. Alternativt kontakta GVC som gärna hjälper till.
Skapa dina inloggningsuppgifter
Längst upp till höger hornhinnanPå vilken sida som helst på vår webbplats kommer du att se alternativet LOGGA in eller REGISTRERA dig. Härifrån följer du bara de tre enkla stegen.
1. Klicka på länken och följ instruktionerna på skärmen. Du kan signera med Facebook, Gmail eller e-post
2. Du kommer sedan att bli ombedd att skapa ett valfritt lösenord. När du har skapat ett lösenord klicka på skicka.
3. Din registrering kommer sedan att granskas och godkännas av Global Vacation Club. När du har godkänts kommer du att få ett e-postmeddelande som bekräftar din kontoaktivering.
Gateway Membership Terms & Conditions
A) These terms and conditions are binding and enforceable on the Purchaser(s) by GVC (hereinafter referred to as “the Redeemer”).
1. Gateway Vacation Properties
⦁ The purchase of a Gateway (“Gateway Certificate”) constitutes and establishes the rights to utilise vacation property accommodation that may include hotel type room, studio, one-bedroom, or two-bedrooms with occupancy for up to four (4) people at selected properties in any of the destinations as follows:
⦁ Bulgaria
⦁ Bali, Indonesia
⦁ Canary Islands, Spain
⦁ Costa del Sol, Spain
⦁ Dubai, United Arab Emirates
⦁ France
⦁ Greece
⦁ Malta
⦁ Morocco
⦁ Portugal
⦁ Thailand
⦁ United Kingdom
⦁ Vietnam
⦁ All resort / hotel or apartment properties and destinations are subject to availability, season, room type restrictions and blackout dates may apply (Schedule One).
⦁ From time-to-time Global Vacation Club (“GVC”) may change the selected Participating Vacation Properties to ones of similar or higher standard during the Gateway
⦁ All resort / hotel / apartment restrictions and rules apply.
⦁ Gateway Certificates are only valid towards a stay at Participating Gateway Vacation Properties.
⦁ The Redeemer is responsible for all related costs including but not limited to transportation to and from the resort / hotel / apartment to the airport, local taxes, incidentals, and any other incurred costs, whilst on vacation.
⦁ Upgrades to larger rooms / apartments / additional rooms / apartments and/or additional nights may be purchased from GVC at the time of booking, subject to availability.
⦁ Any upgrades / additional apartments and/or additional nights added after a Gateway confirmation of a stay will be assessed at the sole discretion of GVC.
2. Redeemer’s Rules and Regulations of GVC Gateway Certificate
⦁ The Redeemer is responsible for all acts or omissions of Redeemer and/or guests and for any damages caused or expenses incurred by Redeemer and/or the Redeemer’s guest(s).
⦁ The Gateway Certificate is only valid to Purchasers / Redeemers who have received it from an official Gateway Master or Sub-Licensee and GVC has been paid in full.
⦁ Unredeemed Gateway Certificates have no value.
⦁ GVC is not responsible for lost or stolen Gateway Certificates.
⦁ Lost or stolen Gateway Certificate(s) may be replaced at the sole discretion of GVC.
⦁ If GVC elect to replace a lost or stolen Gateway Certificate, processing fees may apply.
⦁ Gateway Certificates cannot be transferred as a gift, nor can they be used for any commercial purpose, including rental or sale.
⦁ The Gateway Certificate is void if resold for cash or any other consideration by the Redeemer.
⦁ Gateway Certificate(s) may not be combined with any other offer relating to the same reservation or accommodations, except as specifically stated on future GVC promotions.
⦁ The Redeemer must book the resort / hotel / apartment stay prior to the Gateway Certificate expiration date.
⦁ Destinations and travel times are subject to availability and confirmed on a first come, first served basis.
⦁ GVC accepts no responsible for any acts of nature, God, or any other natural disaster, which may impact availability at the participating resorts / hotels / apartments.
⦁ GVC Gateway Certificate(s) do not include travel insurance, however it is highly recommended.
⦁ The Redeemer’s Gateway Certificate is valid for the length of time listed on the Gateway Certificate and from the date the Redeemer received it.
⦁ The Gateway Certificate does not include airfare, meals, or drinks (unless specified herein).
⦁ The Redeemer is solely responsible to acquire all necessary travel documentations including passports, visas and Covid-19 proof of vaccination if so, required by any of the
country destination’s immigration policy.
⦁ The Redeemer is solely responsible for the loss of any Gateway Certificate reservation incurred due to an Embassy / High Commission rejection of a visa application(s), invalid
passport(s), or failure to comply with Covid-19 vaccination policies of a Participating Gateway Vacation Property destination.
⦁ The Redeemer is solely responsible for ensuring that his/her/their passports have adequate spare unused pages prior to embarking on their travels as some countries may
deny access as part of their immigration policies.
⦁ Covid-19 quarantine policies may apply prior to the entry of any country where the Participating Vacation Properties are located, the Redeemer is solely responsible to check
with the relevant Embassy / High Commission of his/her/their planned destination prior to making a reservation.
⦁ The Gateway Certificate price does not include any country’s mandatory Covid-19 quarantine charges that may be incurred by the Redeemer prior to entering or leaving a
Participating Vacation Property Destination.
⦁ The Redeemer is solely responsible to comply with any country’s Covid-19 testing policy (if so, required) prior to embarking on his/her/their travel to avoid delays or
cancellation of a confirmed Gateway reservation.
⦁ The Redeemer is solely responsible to ensure that he/she/they have adequate travel insurance that covers him/her/them throughout the duration of the intended Gateway
vacation and GVC recommend that such an insurance policy (if acquired) covers the medical treatment or hospitalisation due to a Covid-19 infection.
3. Cancellation of a Participating Gateway Vacation Property Reservation
⦁ For a redeemed Gateway Certificate, if the reservation is cancelled fourty-five (45) days or more prior to the confirmed arrival date, the Redeemer will receive a credit towards a future booking, however a £50 processing fee will be charged by GVC at the time of rebooking.
⦁ If a reservation is cancelled within 8 to 44 days of the confirmed arrival date, the Redeemer will receive a credit towards a future booking, however a £150 processing fee will
be charged by GVC at the time of rebooking.
⦁ There are no changes or cancellation options within seven (7) days of the confirmed arrival date to the reserved vacation property.
4. Prohibitions
4.1 Among the other prohibitions set forth within the Gateway Certificate, and as otherwise may be adopted from time to time by GVC, in its sole discretion and without prior
notice to the Redeemer, the following prohibitions shall apply:
4.1.1 Lack of due care.
4.1.2 Registered guest(s) at a resort / hotel / apartment room / unit are prohibited from conducting themselves or permitting the conduct of any other party in any manner which is in any regard not responsible, careful, or respectful, of a Participating Gateway Vacation Property room /unit.
4.1.3 Under no circumstances shall pets of Redeemer or their guest(s) be permitted at a Participating Gateway Vacation Property unit unless specified.
4.1.4 Persons under 18 years of age are not entitled to the use of a Participating Gateway Vacation Property reservation or occupancy of a vacation property room / unit / apartment, unless accompanied by a person of at least 18 years of age or more.
4.1.5 The total number of people occupying a vacation property room/unit must not exceed the maximum occupancy of the room / unit set forth in the booking confirmation; otherwise, the Participating Gateway Vacation Property operator, and/or other appropriate parties may refuse access and may levy an additional charge. The Redeemer and/or the Redeemer’s registered guest(s) agree(s) to pay for any such additionally levied charges
5. Reservation
⦁ The GVC website (“”) offers a live booking portal which allows the Redeemer to make a request for any Participating Gateway Vacation Properties on the Redeemer’s preferred travel dates.
⦁ When making a reservation request, the Redeemer is advised to submit details of all information required, allowing GVC to handle the Redeemer’s request more efficiently.
⦁ Upon receipt of the Redeemer’s request, GVC will then send the Redeemer final confirmation via email within fourty-eight (48 hours) of receiving it.
⦁ GVC provides an easy way to make a reservation request via its online portal featuring an easy-to-follow step by step guide.
⦁ The Redeemer may also email direct and in turn GVC’s reservation team will do everything on behalf of the Redeemer, including a follow up email confirming the Redeemer’s request within fourty-eight (48) hours.
6. Cooling Off Period
6.1 The Purchaser(s) / Redeemer may be entitled by law to a statutory cooling off period which allows him/her/them to withdraw from their Agreement with a Master or Sub-Licensee.
6.1.1 Purchaser(s) are advised to check with the relevant laws pertaining to cooling off periods in the country where they intend to purchase a Gateway Certificate.
6.1.2 GVC accepts no responsibility for Purchaser(s) that pay any monies to a Master or Sub-Licensee within a statutory cooling off period (if so, required by law, in the country where the Gateway Certificate was purchased).
7. Personal Data Protection
7.1 The Purchaser(s) / Redeemer acknowledges and agree(s), and hereby expressly consent that:
7.1.1 in the performance of these Terms & Conditions, and the delivery of any documentation hereunder, Personal Data (as defined below) may be generated, disclosed to a party to this Gateway promotion, and will be incorporated into files processed by GVC; and
7.1.2 personal Data will be stored if such data is necessary for the performance of this Gateway promotion and for the tenure of the Purchaser(s) / Redeemer Gateway Certificate, as well as for maintaining historical records; and
7.1.3 he/she/they has been informed of the existence of his/her/their right to request access to, removal of or restriction on the processing of its Personal Data, as well as to withdraw consent at any time.
Schedule One – Participating Gateway Vacation Properties Blackout Dates