全球度假俱乐部 - 董事
能够为这么多家庭提供服务并照顾他们的假期,我感到非常荣幸。这就是我们在俱乐部进入公开市场时开始做的事情。从那时起,我们看到了巨大的增长并继续蓬勃发展。在过去的 30 年里,度假行业发生了翻天覆地的变化,我们的梦想是将事情推向新的方向。我们已经做到了,这为客户带来了对假期所有权的更多控制权。我们认为真正需要的东西。更少的限制,更重要的是更多的储蓄和选择。
GVCs 董事会在酒店和度假所有权领域拥有超过 80 年的丰富经验。 GVC 专为迎合 21 世纪挑剔的旅行者而设计,他们拥有优质的住宿以及各种值得珍惜的目的地和文化体验。
GVC 很自豪能成为世界上最多样化和最独特的假期概念之一,会员及其亲人可以享受无数独特的俱乐部功能,例如我们的“2 Vacations 1 Voyage”以及无穷无尽的珠宝等。

会员资格 介绍
全球度假俱乐部 GVC 如何 会员工作
''到目前为止,我们用积分享受了每一个假期,服务也很出色''。 杰克逊伯明翰先生和夫人
Global Vacation Club 积分是可用的最灵活、最简单和最复杂的度假货币形式。无论您想每年度过什么样的假期,积分都可以让您根据自己的需要定制每次旅行。没有任何附加条件。
所有 Global Vacation Points Club 会员支付一次性购买价格,该价格取决于所需的会员级别,并每年获得一定数量的积分。每年的俱乐部会员费仅为 199 美元。这让会员可以充分享受 GVC 的每一次度假体验。
基于积分的假期的一个巨大好处是您的积分每年都会更新。我们让您轻松提前计划假期,无论您想参观童话城堡、五星级酒店、豪华别墅还是浪漫的河上游船 GVC 都能实现。
会员制的另一个巨大优势是灵活性。每年您的年度假期积分分配都会更新,未使用的积分也可以滚动到下一年以增加您的积分。这允许会员在适当的时候累积额外积分或使用它们。您的积分有效期为 2 年。比大多数其他度假俱乐部长一年。那么为什么不随心所欲地旅行或计划您梦寐以求的大型旅行。
您还可以选择从次年借用积分。例如,如果您想邀请可能需要额外 2 间卧室的家庭成员,而不是支付所涉及的额外费用,只需将它们借用于明年的分配。或者,如果您再次计划一些非常特别的事情,则可以保存您的积分并在第二年使用它们。 (请参见下面的图表)。
当您计划一生一次的假期时,或者您想带一大群人一起度假时,这从来都不是问题。作为 Global Vacation Club 的会员,当会员需要的积分超过其年度配额时,他们可以选择从下一年的余额中借用积分或购买额外积分。 Global Vacation Club 积分是可用的最灵活、最简单和最复杂的度假货币形式。无论您想每年度过什么样的假期,积分都可以让您根据自己的需要定制每次旅行。没有任何附加条件。
积分可以直接从 Global Vacation Club 或我们位于世界各地的特许特许经营合作伙伴之一购买。开始会员只需购买他们休假时间所需的积分数。但是,随着您的假期计划发生变化,您有时可能需要增加积分分配。这些可以随时购买。
积分可以直接从 Global Vacation Club 或我们位于世界各地的特许特许经营合作伙伴之一购买。开始会员只需购买他们休假时间所需的积分数。但是,随着您的假期计划发生变化,您有时可能需要增加积分分配。这些可以随时购买。
当您计划一生一次的假期时,或者您想带一大群人一起度假时,这从来都不是问题。作为 Global Vacation Club 的会员,当会员需要的积分超过其年度配额时,他们可以选择从下一年的余额中借用积分或购买额外积分。
Global Vacation Club 积分是可用的最灵活、最简单和最复杂的度假货币形式。无论您想每年度过什么样的假期,积分都可以让您根据自己的需要定制每次旅行。没有任何附加条件。
访问所有 GVC 产品和服务
在 GVC Properties 享受高达 30% 的积分折扣
独家在线 所有产品的预订窗口。
购买 5 年大宗会员资格并节省更多费用

全球度假俱乐部 - GVC 积分如何运作?
Global Vacation Club - Managing your GVC Points
Staying in control of your points is a non-complicated affair. Each member has their own personal portal which keeps track of everything in one area. When making a reservation you are doing so in real time. This facility ensures members are able to get the most out of their points all year round.
GVC Points Online Account
Staying in control of your points is a non-complicated affair. Each member has their own personal portal which keeps track of everything in one area. When making a reservation you are doing so in real time. This facility ensures members are able to get the most out of their points all year round.
Managing your GVC points
Managing points is no different to the way you manage your bank account. Once you make a deposit you can then make a withdrawal, points work in the same way.
Each year you will receive a fresh allocation of points in accordance with the membership term you selected. Every time a member takes a holiday, those points will then be deducted from your annual allotment. The remaining balance will always be available for use at a later date.
Saving or borrowing your GVC points
Borrow or save points - You also have the option of borrowing points from the following year. For example if you wish to invite family members which may require an extra 2 bedrooms, rather than paying the extra costs involved simply borrow them for next year’s allocation.
Alternatively save your points and use them the following year if again for example you are planning something really special.
What can you do with GVC points?
Besides going on vacation with your points there are several other alternative benefits on offer. For example: there may be a year you cannot take a vacation or another year you want to save for something extremely special.
When GVC was in the planning stages we looked at every variable that may prevent a member from using points, and then looked at alternative options to ensure the member would not lose points but could actually help instead if needed.
Most of the GVC products permit members to use only points when making a booking, however there are some features where this may not always be possible. Mainly with our cruising options due to circumstances we cannot control and other rules as laid down by certain cruise operators.
How do we find GVC points values?
There are various ways to obtain point values as GVC have a sizeable collection of vacation options for members.
1. Published point/s Chart - The point's chart we have produced is merely a guide to an average point’s vacation. Please remember when you are booking a points exchange you are doing so in real time. This is the most efficient and effective way for us to help you get the most out of the points you hold.
2. Contact a GVC vacation planner and they will calculate and prepare everything for you. This is by far the most popular choice with members as we do all the work on your behalf and provide you with an abundance of options to choose from.
3. Live Chat Agent online. Alternatively you can call or visit a GVC Sales Centre and they will be happy to help.
2022 2023 2024

1000 1000 1000
Accumulate a maximum of 3 X your points value 3000

USE Points for your vacations
LOAN Points to family or friends
RENT Points and profit by not taking
SELL Points and get back your capital
SAVE Save points into next year
WILL Points to your children
EXCHANGE unlimited FREE exchanges
Using your GVC points
Any unused GVC Points from your current use year can be saved to the following year.
You must inform GVC Member Services within 3-months or more prior to your current Anniversary Year end that it is your intention to bank over your remaining current use year’s points.
Please note that failure to notify GVC Member Services will result in the forfeiture of any remaining points in your current use year should you cross the 3-month notification window.
You can also borrow a portion or all of your GVC Points from your forthcoming Anniversary Year in order to extend or take additional time in the current year.

Global Vacation Club - Documentation
Our company’s core competency is transparency, easy to use and understanding. Each member is issued with a copy of the Club’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), Member’s User Guide and Constitution at the time of registration to GVC. If you have not received any of the following please get in touch with us immediately at membership services.

Welcome to Global Vacation Club
A simplified welcome guide for new members.
Members User Guide
A detailed handbook covering all aspects of using the club.
Club Constitution
Fully detailed document explaining your rights protections and obligations as a member.
Product Disclosure Statement
A clear breakdown of the club and the benefits offered.
Global Vacation Club License Check
In order to provide a superior service for Global Vacation Club members, the club operates under strict guidelines and policies. As we enter into agreements with third party agents from time to time in promoting our club concept, Global Vacation Club do so in good faith. Meaning that appointed Partner's, Vendor's or Franchisees adopt the same policies and represent the club in an honest and ethical manner at all times.
To ensure you are dealing with an approved agent of Global Vacation Club we issue a license number unique to the vendor(s) promoting on our behalf. This can be verified on site by the vendor(s) logging on to our website using a passworded authenticating process clearly displaying license details for your peace of mind. https://www.gvcpoints.com/gvc-license-check
Please check you are dealing with an official agent of Global Vacation Club (gvc points). The club will not accept responsibility for any breach of our policies either orally, written or verbally in any event.
Should you wish to check a license independently please contact
GVC direct.