全球度假俱乐部 - 董事
能够为这么多家庭提供服务并照顾他们的假期,我感到非常荣幸。这就是我们在俱乐部进入公开市场时开始做的事情。从那时起,我们看到了巨大的增长并继续蓬勃发展。在过去的 30 年里,度假行业发生了翻天覆地的变化,我们的梦想是将事情推向新的方向。我们已经做到了,这为客户带来了对假期所有权的更多控制权。我们认为真正需要的东西。更少的限制,更重要的是更多的储蓄和选择。
GVCs 董事会在酒店和度假所有权领域拥有超过 80 年的丰富经验。 GVC 专为迎合 21 世纪挑剔的旅行者而设计,他们拥有优质的住宿以及各种值得珍惜的目的地和文化体验。
GVC 很自豪能成为世界上最多样化和最独特的假期概念之一,会员及其亲人可以享受无数独特的俱乐部功能,例如我们的“2 Vacations 1 Voyage”以及无穷无尽的珠宝等。

Release your property
with GVC Liberat rs

It's not as difficult as one may think

GVC is the quintessential club for the discerning traveller. Today’s 21st century tourist has an unrelenting passion for a lifestyle that promotes spontaneous encounters with new people, new experiences, cultures, and perspectives in unfamiliar places.
Our company is one of the leading lifestyle vacation clubs out there who craft and create tailor-made holidays around the world, providing you with the finest resorts, cruise ships and itineraries, ensuring you have a memorable experience every time you travel.
Every resort, hotel, river ship, ocean liner, expedition vessel undergoes a rigorous selection process before acceptance into our club. High-quality comfortable accommodation coupled with journeys to distant harbours at rates far lower than standard market rates ensures member satisfaction time after time. We cater for all types of travellers, whether it is a family, a group of friends, couples, or a single person, GVC has it all.
Enjoy your membership as much as we have enjoyed creating it and welcome to the GVC family.

If you are a Membership property and you are seeking a solution to wind-down the membership to regain control of your property, then GVC might be the solution for you.
Timeshare has had a good run. A great run even. Timeshare ownership was a radical departure from a monopolized travel industry. It upset established traditions by giving people high quality, pride of ownership and a sense of exclusivity. However, since those early days the rest of the travel industry has advanced considerably by adding consumer generated review systems and competitive price-comparison booking sites, etc. and it is fast putting a dampener on the timeshare industry, where the "joining fee and annual maintenance" revenue model just gets higher and higher? Fact is that the Timeshare and private membership clubs had their heyday before the information age and rise of the internet…
While there are studies proclaiming the vast majority (85% plus) of modern timeshare owners to be happy with their purchase, these findings are notably commissioned by organizations like ARDA or the RDO, which exist to promote the interests of the timeshare industry. It is very conceivable that new modern resorts will be able to keep selling new Memberships – because Memberships are not a terrible thing by nature – but older resorts naturally start to suffer as time goes by because they become less and less part of the active holiday selection process.
Global Vacation Club (GVC) is a new-era online Points Membership, which enables its members to spend on top quality vacation options globally by providing its members with thousands of holiday choices and muc more flexibility for lower annual costs than a usual timeshare or vacation ownership model. GVC is quite literally more appetizing, more engaging and a much more variable membership platform appealing more to today’s travellers.
Being online enables GVC to service a much larger number of Members as it involves no ownership of solid assets in any form - and for that reason alone GVC has been able to devise a number of specific programs to support the potential transfer of existing timeshare and/or vacation owners over into GVC and thereby help ‘liberate’ existing properties from their Membership liabilities.
An increasing number of resorts and hotels are getting (too) old and are starting to see the writing on the wall. -
Are you an elder hotel or resort seeing the writing on the wall?
Is your hotel or resort inevitably experiencing an aging-out of the original owner base?
Are you increasingly sensing that replenishing this owner base is becoming more difficult?
Older resorts can quickly start suffering from soaring deficits as aging Members give rise to more unpaid maintenance fees, and remaining Members/owners are tempted by resale companies as they are getting even more anxious to sell. This inevitably starts pushing a timeshare program towards the exit and the properties hosting these vacation ownership programs can potentially end up in bankruptcy (as they run out of money).
Truth is that sometimes, timeshare resorts just do not have the money to stay in business anymore and foreclosure start looming. If a membership program starts having more debts than it has funds, and members start seeing their resort listed on the likes of Booking.com for less than the cost of their maintenance, then the writing might be on the wall and these programs should immediately start considering options to wind-down their ownership programs before it is too late.
If you are an elder resort and you are starting to confront the end and it seems complicated to find an honorable plan to leave for all, then rather than waiting to file for bankruptcy and see your property go into foreclosure - contact GVC for a potential exit strategy.
If the resort/hotel is not too old, it is not uncommon for a timeshare resort to be sold. In fact, it happens often. Many times, when timeshare resorts are sold, it is to a new brand or developer where the current deeded timeshare owner contracts are grandfathered in and there is no drastic change. o
Members exit by keeping their old Membership
Property owners can make a profit from the sale.
However, if a timeshare resort/hotel is getting (too) old, then there might be NO buyers for it and the resort/hotel could simply go into foreclosure. Selling the property might not be a problem directly related to the property itself - it might be a very desirable property - but if the property has lost its practical usefulness as a Membership resort/hotel, then that only leaves buyers who would have a different purpose in mind for the property and they will have a major problem having to deal with thousands of unhappy Members. This often leaves a property owner with extremely limited solutions – and when it is too late – then there may be NO way out to keep the property.
Initially, property owners will ask their members to give up their timeshare ownership for NO money by signing a deed-back agreement, but this often turns into a barrage of complaints, irreconcilable disagreements, and destructive lawsuits for both parties. Only in exceedingly rare cases, after foreclosure, a few Members may be invited to exchange their ‘dying’ memberships and join a friendly ownership property - but most will lose their Membership.
Some Members accept to lose their Membership, some Members enter lawsuits. o The property owners lose all or most of their property to the banks. Foreclosures are devastating to all parties involved and nobody wins if a resort/hotel waits too long to decide about a valid transition plan.
The idea when winding-down a timeshare should be to keep the resort/hotel out of bankruptcy – avoid having to dispose of the property - and allow owners/members to exit with dignity. To achieve this GVC offers a transparent, honest, and highly affordable way for property owners to regain their properties and offer their member a dignified win-win scenario by transferring them over into a new, different, and more promising vacation platform.

Are you suffering from souring debt? • Are you in the midst of foreclosure? • Is the bank taking over? • Do you wish to regain control over your asset? • Do you need to find a solution for your members?
Members need to agree with the owners agreed exit strategy. • Members sign Deed-back agreements with the property owners. • Members sign new individual Membership contracts with GVC (or separate agreement depending on the exit strategy).
All members need to pay their maintenance fees up front. • Including the annual fee of USD 199 • Points are allocated immediately. • Members can travel immediately without waiting time

Owners discuss the appropriate exit strategy with GVC (including fees). • Owners communicate the chosen exit strategy with their members. • Owners sign a contract with GVC.
Property owners pay GVC the agreed transition fee. • Property owners can free their asset. • Property owners agree to transfer the full ownership of one property over to GVC.
Frees the property owners of all its members. • Takes over all the Memberships and offers all the Members a more exclusive holiday program for less annual costs. • Receives a onetime service payment from the Property owner + 1 full property in the agreed resort/hotel.
GVC offers a cost-effective and dignified win-win solution to both Members and property owners: Property owners wish to benefit once again of their asset. • They wish to be able to sell their property for high profits as the property may have risen substantially in value over the decades.
They wish to refurbish the property to give it a new purpose after decades of Member ownership. Either way, GVC offers a property owner a solution by providing the property owner a way to ‘liberate’ itself from its members is an honorable and dignified way.
Not only does it help the property owner to avoid potentially complicated lawsuits with Members – but it also might help them avoids potential foreclosure – and once again give the property owner full possession of their property. Members are not only given a way out of their aging timeshare, but they are also given the opportunity to get out of an aging timeshare system.
GVC replaces their existing Membership with a more modern solution which will cost the Member much less than their existing timeshare platform, yet GVC still provides them with much more choice, much more exclusivity, thousands of more destinations as well as holiday options, and most importantly - NO more broken exchange promises. For any interest, please contact GVC – we will be happy to have a conversation with any property owners who wish to look at finding a solution to regain full ownership of their property.
1. The Resort Owners provide a non-binding official Letter of Intent (LOI) on their official letterhead addressed to GVC Management signed by an authorised signatory of the company.
2. The Resort Owners are to provide GVC the following details:
• Resort Name(s) and address(es) they wish to relinquish timesharing weeks and/or fractional ownerships
• Stipulate the total number of members, broken down by country of residence.
• Number of weeks owned unit size, occupancy, and season/week numbers.
• Current maintenance fee amount (per unit size)
• Tenure of the timesharing membership or fractional investment term
• Name of the Trustee.
• Name of exchange company (RCI/II) affiliation (if any).
3. Upon receipt of the above documentations, GVC will respond in no less than 7 days with a Term Sheet outlining the GVC Membership option(s) available to the Resort Owners, the services provided by GVC, cost, payment method and timeline to complete the transition of members.
4. The Resorts Owners sign the Term Sheet and return it to GVC, should they consent to the offer.
5. Upon receipt of the signed Term Sheet, GVC shall within 7 days provide the Resort Owners with a GVC – Resort Owners Draft Agreement, clearly outlining the agreed terms (Term Sheet).
6. Within 7 days of the receipt of the Agreement, The Resort Owners shall notify GVC by email of their intent to proceed and sign the said Agreement, upon which GVC shall raise a Docusign (signature) to the Resort Owners authorized signatories.
7. The Resort Owners (in line with GDPR regulations) furnish GVC with a detailed list of all members involved as part of the relinquishment exercise. This detailed member list must comprise of the following: • Full name(s) as per Deed of Ownership • Home address • Home and mobile telephone number(s) • Email address(es) • Week number(s) / season owned at which resort property • Unit size and occupancy • Date of purchase • Tenure of membership / investment
8. Within 72-hours receipt of the member list or prior, the Resort Owners agree to write to each member informing them of the proposed compensation package and inform them that as part of the Vacation Plan, GVC shall be contacting them within the period as so agreed in the GVC – Resort Owners Agreement.
9. Upon written confirmation from the Resort Owners to GVC, GVC personnel shall contact each member in writing providing them with all information relating to the agreed Vacation Plan as well as an Agreement (copy submitted by GVC to the Resort Owners on the same date of Master (GVC – Resort Owners) Draft Agreement).
10. Each GVC new member contract shall be issued a statutory 14 days cooling off period.
11. GVC shall collate returned signed (GVC – Member) Agreements and forward copies together with a GVC Tax Invoice to the Resort Owners on a weekly basis, until such time all members contracts have been satisfied.
12. Upon receipt of payment for each Tax Invoice issued, GVC shall activate each members Vacation Plan and issue the member with the relevant Ownership Certificate, login, and password details, after which the member can immediately begin to reserve accommodation.

conversion process

completion process
Upon completion of a statutory 14 day cooling off period and the client is happy to proceed the following will take effect.
1. GVC will issue to all members an introductory email including instructions for log in and password details thus ensuring the member has full access to the online GVC portal.
2. Members will also receive via email the following: a) Full Navigators / GVC Points membership details certified by GVC; and b) A certificate of Navigators / GVC Points Membership clearly detailing the term of membership to the program; and c) A brochure containing a straightforward guide on how the Navigators / GVC Points program works.
3. A follow up welcome call to ensure clarity and understanding of the Navigators / GVC Points program and its rules.
4. A resolute team will be assigned solely to Navigators/ GVC Points members to ensure total client satisfaction is always upheld for the tenure of the membership.
a) The Resort Owners obligation is to provide its members with their own agreement pertaining to any financial compensation package.
b) All agreed monies paid directly from the Resort Owners company to its members and thereafter inform GVC of completed transactions. c) GVC will amend its process in accordance with the Resort Owners requirements to ensure a smooth transition for all members.
i) Both GVC and the Resort Owners directors shall appoint an Administrator.
ii) The Administrators of both companies shall liaise on a regular basis to ensure processes and all documentations submitted accurately and in a timely manner.
Addressed to: GVC Management (Co. No 003206286-T) 1-23-5
Menara Bangkok Bank,
Berjaya Central Park,
Jalan Ampang, 50450
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
F.A.O. Mohd Shaifulhakimi B. Ismail – Director Email: backoffice@gvcpoints.com
GVC Directors are available for regular discussions with the Resort Owners Directors, pertaining to the Relinquishment Operation. GVC is happy to provide the Resort Owners Directors and nominated personnel with login and password details to fully access the GVC Portal, upon request.